HS Essentials Conversion

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The Brief

The original process for converting a lead to a customer could take anywhere from 30-60days. My goal was to streamline the process to a 30 minute sign-up to handoff journey. Part of this journey included allowing the user to pay online without customer support.

The Process


In the Essentials experience, at this stage, the user has started their 30-day free trial. If the user decided to upgrade, they would enter this flow to convert to a paying user. Here we needed to focus on selling the scheduling package in a clear and concise manner.


When converting our user would be signing up for a subscription service using stripe billing. The subscription packages could be tailored to the user needs. Our intended rollout of these packages would be in two phases. Each phase would consist of three tiers.

Tier one mimicked the current 30-day trial package. Tier two added time and attendance features. Tier three added integration of the full HotSchedules experience and would require a hands-on experience outside of this self-service flow. Once we were able to measure success with phase one more complexity was to come.

Phase two of these packages would add in the complexity of allowing annual pricing for packages one and two.


After whiteboarding the phase one experience and landing at a successful path. I created dollhouse examples to pitch to development on best-case scenarios.

Following testing and iteration phase one was completed and put into development. To aid expansion frameworks were outlined for the development team. These allowed the dev team to flexibly create modular pieces that could be repurposed in later phases.



Once Phase 1 was released and successfully began converting 36% of our users we decided to continue iterating with Phase two, adding annual pricing. The complexity of the annual pricing lied within the layers of selections needed to be made to complete the package creation.

I contemplated multiple scenarios, finally going with the one that allowed our user to understand each step of the package creation. Giving them the confidence and understanding of their decision before submission.


The Result

Phase 2