

We Are Valiant


We Are Valiant is an Apparel/accessory brand selling lifestyle clothing targeting affluent high school students. Part of their business model includes giving back profits to a local organization that aides foster children with their transitions into adulthood. The name "We Are Valiant" symbolized a movement, as their creator described:

“…that rallies people together to feel empowered to live life on their own terms. These young adults in the foster system often have less skills than those out of the system, so we’re here to help them with their transition.” - Teaghan Avrett 

We started off with some personal images provided by the client. Next I sketched out ideas that married her inspirations with the brands visual aesthetic. This logo brought me out of my comfort zone. My personal lettering style can be a bit feminine. To combat this, I incorporated tighter lines, tapering edges, & dueling type styles to evoke a masculine feel. 



ROLE • Art Direction, Graphic Design & IllustratioN

Client Images

Client Images

Initial Sketches for Style

Initial Sketches for Style

Second Draft of Sketches for Style

Second Draft of Sketches for Style

Final Version